Working through your top financial challenges
Guidance To Move You In The Right Direction
Pick Two
Student Loans
How do I pay off my student loans as efficiently as possible?
What options do I have for paying for graduate school?
Is consolidating my student loans advantageous?
Job Change
What should I do with my old 401(k)?
How do I maximize my new employer’s benefits?
New Business
How do I begin starting a new business?
What steps can I take now to start a new business in the future?
Should I invest in my friend’s start-up?
New Business
How much life insurance do I need?
Should I purchase disability insurance?
Is my homeowners insurance adequate?
Estate Planning
Do I need a will or any other estate planning documents?
What happens to all my assets after I’m gone?
Growing Family
What is the best way of beginning to save for my child’s education?
How do I go about saving to buy a home?
Can I afford to send my kids to private school?
Are my investments allocated appropriately?
Am I paying too much in investment expenses?
How should I allocate my 401(k)?
Something Else
Am I paying too much in taxes?
Am I saving enough to meet my retirement goals?
How do I achieve financial independence?
Are my values aligned with my time and money?
How do I negotiate a raise?